11:00 – 12:15
Dialogues about the future
Session Description:
Dialogues about the future. A conversation about the organization of the architecture and construction industry, flying and space cities/settlements and development strategy.

Let's look up. We are used to associating architecture and construction with real estate, with objects that stand firmly on solid foundations. Castles, palaces, skyscrapers, plants, factories. But too many examples have accumulated that the human habitat can be a little different. Not just land, not just land. There is a huge technological backlog that makes possible what a hundred years ago was considered science fiction.

So it's worth thinking about where construction and architecture might be heading in the near future. At the same time, this conversation should not be just fantasy or lazy looking at trends on cards. We should be based on the real needs of the time, on what needs to be done urgently. In this dialog about the future, let's try to discuss how and why a person can live and work in the air, what tasks we can solve in this way, as well as how a person can live and work in space, fly there as a tourist or relocate. These images even overlap in some ways, if we look into the distant future and think about the exploration of Venus.

In addition, we will discuss organizational, economic, political and regulatory issues. How exactly can architects seize a new sphere of influence? Who else has a claim to it? What kind of relationships can architects have with engineers, builders, shipbuilders, power engineers, manufacturers, and so on? What large organizations should articulate a vision of the future, formulate tasks, and coordinate the work of different industries, organizations, and specialists? And most importantly, a provocative question, why is the National Space Center being built on Earth?

Session moderator

  • Natalia Klimova
    Head of the Organizing Committee of the Council of Chief Architects of the Subjects of the Russian Federation and Municipalities named after A.V.Kuzmin. A.V.Kuzmin, Advisor to the President of RAASN

session speakers

  • Danila Medvedev
    Applied Futurologist
  • Magomed Mamedov
    Director of the External Communications Center of Glavkosmos JSC
  • Natalia Klimova
    Head of the Organizing Committee of the Council of Chief Architects of the Subjects of the Russian Federation and Municipalities named after A.V.Kuzmin. A.V.Kuzmin, Advisor to the President of RAASN