Developer, Builder, Architect, Designer: one territory, one object, one language
10:00 – 11:00
Strategy session
Session Description:
The transformation of territory, construction of an object are processes that unite several parties at once.
Architect, designer, builder, general contractor, developer, and finally, the chief architect of a city or region.
How to understand who is responsible for what, what are the functions of each of the participants?
How do they interact, what and at what stages contradictions arise between the parties, how can we find a consensus so that in the end the object was accepted and commissioned, and the project as a whole harmonized with the environment.
All these issues are the subject of our meeting, which is being held with the organizational support of the National Association of Builders.

session moderator

  • Anton Moroz
    Vice President, Coordinator for the North-West Federal District, member of the NOSTROI Council

session speakers

  • Karina Shcherbakova
    Architect of Ostozhenka architectural bureau
  • Gevorg Gulanyan
    Head of the Product Development Department of FGC Group of Companies
  • Elena Dvorakovskaya
    General Director of GeoGlobal Development LLC
  • Liliya AYUPOVA
    Head of the Urban Planning Policy Department of the Ministry of Construction of the Samara Region
  • Olga Shirmanova
    Head of the Tender Department, LLC PF VIS (VIS Group)
  • Valery Karpov
    Deputy Chief of Staff - Director of the Department of Information Technologies and Data Analysis of the National Association of Builders Association