Cooperation in the field of architecture and design: Russia - Turkey,
11:15 – 12:30

Session moderator

  • Anastasia Ilyushina
    Consultant of the International Activities Division of the Youth Projects and Programs Department of the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs

session speakers

  • Anna Rybachenko
    Head of Semrén & Månsson Business Development in Moscow and Moscow region, Chief Architect
  • Mohammadreza Baradaran Motie
    Ph.D. in Landscape Architecture, Researcher at the Laboratory of Architecture and Artificial Intelligence, Assistant Lecturer in Landscape Design, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran (Iran)
  • Oleg Raspopov (Hungary)
    Invited to participate
  • Elnur Babayev (Azerbaijan - Turkey)
    Invited to participate
  • Representative Geometrium
    Invited to participate