Session moderator:
Mikhail Yurievich Viktorov, President of NOTIM, Head of the Commission on
digitalization of the construction industry and housing and utilities sector of the Public Council
under the Ministry of Construction of Russia.
The session will be attended by:
Valentina Alexandrovna Voronkova, Chief Specialist of GlavAPU
Speech topic: “Moscow - the city of the future! Digitalization of urban environment, world experience of digital development”.
Urban development - limitations and tasks of the city
Limited territory, time and finances require optimization of processes, space management and competent resource allocation.
Unified strategy of the city of Moscow
Integrated approach to sustainable development of Moscow through innovation and digitalization
Digital master planning: its goals and objectives
A strategic tool for long-term management of the city and increasing the efficiency of urban infrastructure.
The main directions of DMP
Data integration, urban environment modeling, decision support based on data analysis
Experience of foreign countries. Approach to digital twin operation
Examples of successful implementation of digital twins in cities abroad and the results of their use. Types of competitors' digital twins: functionality and visualization
Comparison of functionality and features of digital twins, their impact on urban planning. Examples of digital twins of foreign countries. Cases of successful use of digital twins in Singapore, Tokyo, Sydney and other cities.
Roman Viktorovich Leonidov, architect.
Speech topic: “3D-graphics and architectural creativity, new reality and neural networks in architecture”
Boris Vladimirovich Zaitsev, architect, head of architectural bureau
Speech topic: “How to make full-fledged projects in housing and communal services on BIM-technology”.
What is BIM and how it used to be
Why do you need BIM?
About BIM implementation
BIM is not a magic button
Realization of the principle “we design as if we were building”
Tedikova Anita Arkadyevna, Leading Manager of BIM-Department, ASCON - Central Russia
Presentation topic: “Solutions of ASCON and Renga Software for creation of digital models of civil and industrial construction objects”
A set of ASCON solutions provides creation, management and evaluation of information models of industrial and civil objects at all stages of their life cycle. The Renga product allows to erect a three-dimensional digital model of a building taking into account architectural elements, interiors and exteriors, internal engineering networks and structural features.
Renga interoperability allows import/export of data from different systems, a special role in the development of data transfer technology is given to the IFC format.
Pilot-BIM software, in turn, is designed for automatic formation of a consolidated BIM model, identification of collisions in it, storage and processing of data and documentation.
One of the key features of the ASCON solutions is the possibility of collective work of different specialists on the project in a single information environment. Collaboration mechanism is implemented both in Renga and Pilot-BIM, which allows to reduce time costs during design and eliminate significant errors at an early stage.
Using examples of projects implemented using Renga and Pilot-BIM, the report discusses the transition to BIM modeling for construction and development companies, architectural and design bureaus, and project offices.