Needs of Russian regions and municipalities for young specialists in the field of architecture
12:00 - 13:15

Session moderator

  • Andrei Maximov
    General Director of the Union of Russian Cities, Chairman of the Commission on Territorial Development, Urban Environment and Infrastructure of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation

session speakers

  • Natalia Klimova
    Head of the Organizing Committee of the Council of Chief Architects of the RF subjects and municipalities named after A.V.Kuzmin. A.V.Kuzmin, co-founder of “Architectural Laboratory ‘AK and Partners’, Advisor to the President of RAASN
    Congress co-organizer, moderator
  • Marina Rakova
    Minister of Urban Planning and Agglomeration Development of Nizhny Novgorod Region
  • Anastasia Puzanova
    Deputy Minister of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Saratov Region - Chief Architect of the Region
  • Grigory Alekseev-Malakhov
    Deputy Minister of Construction, Architecture and Territorial Development of the Rostov Region - Chief Architect of the Region
  • Yegor Litvinenko
    Advisor to the Head of the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs. State Counselor of the Russian Federation, 3rd class