16:45 – 18:15
How do architects and designers protect their intellectual property?
Session Description:
  • What can be an object of intellectual property in architecture and design? Actual problems of legal protection of concepts, architectural solutions, sketches, technical and design solutions.
  • Architect, architectural bureau, designer, developer: who owes and who owns the rights?
  • Why should an architect and designer protect their intellectual property?
  • Intellectual property of an architect and designer as an economic asset.
  • How to register your trademark?
  • Modern methods of rights protection and transactions. Digital solutions for “one-click” rights management.
  • Foreign practice: what can and should be learned, what can and should be prepared for architects and designers with international activities?
  • Activities of the Eurasian Patent Office (EAPO) in Russia and in the Eurasian space, coverage of protection opportunities in the field of architecture and design in the member countries of the Eurasian Patent Organization (EAPO).

Session moderator

  • Natalia Belenkaya
    Director General of JSC National Register of Intellectual Property, Patent Attorney of the Russian Federation

session speakers

  • Olga Tereshchenko
    Vice-Rector for Development and Strategic Communications, Russian State Academy of Intellectual Property
  • Hamid Mamadjanov
    Member of the ROO Board, Dr. Sci. in Engineering, Professor, Corresponding Member of RAEN;
  • Oksana Beresneva
    Patent Attorney of the Russian Federation, member of the Council of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation on Intellectual Property, member of the Quality Council of Rospatent
  • Sergey Matveev
    President of the Intellectual Property Federation
  • Sergey Smirnov
    Vice-President of the Union of Designers of Russia, Director of the Center for Research and Innovative Development of the Stroganov Russian State University of Arts and Crafts, General Director of Smirnov Design