15:15 – 16:30
Colors of life
Session Description:
“Colors of life”, this is the colors that surround us in the city, and the riot of colors in nature, the color of artificially created architectural objects and natural colors surrounding us.
How color affects our lives, what colors and why this or that city chooses and how to make our lives brighter - we will talk about this at the session “Colors of Life”.
The discussion will be held with the support of the companies “Paints Friedlander”, which is currently
is implementing the project “National Palette of Russia”, as well as Berkano company, which carries out design and serial production of designer street furniture and small architectural forms for the improvement of the urban environment.

Session moderator

    Managing partner of Sheredega Consalting design and consulting bureau, member of the Expert Council of the Russian Ministry of Construction on shaping the urban environment

session speakers

  • Anna Smirnova
    General Director of “Kraski Fridlender” LLC, member of OOOOPIIC
  • Ekaterina Khmeleva
    Deputy Head of Administration of SCU “GRT LO”
  • Maria Zorina
    Director of BERKANO Production Company
  • Elena Zaikova
    Associate Professor of the Department of Urban Planning, National Research University of Moscow State University, Expert of MINSTROY on WGCU (Water-Green Urban Framework)
  • Valentina Aung
    Lecturer at the Department of Architecture, Restoration and Design, Academy of Engineering, RUDN