Designer, Architect - training, diploma, and what's next?
12:00 - 13:15
Strategy session
Session Description:
In the process of studying and after graduating with a diploma of Designer/Architect, almost all young professionals do not understand “many nuances” related to real practice.

There is a lack of understanding:
  • with PR
  • with marketing
  • with presentation and sales skills
  • with business relations
  • with strategic career or business development

This makes it difficult for many to fully develop as a professional, establish themselves in the industry and succeed.

Through today's session, our practice experts will endeavor to share experiences, ideas and tips for young professionals in the Design/Architecture industry in a short period of time through the following questions:

1. How important is additional education for interior designers during or after graduation?
2. business or career in the architecture profession - which is more important and how to combine?
3. What should a novice designer pay attention to during the first projects?
4. How to protect novice professionals in the construction of capital construction?
5. How to improve the process of professional growth through practice already during training as an architect?

Session moderator

  • Alexei Volkov
    Co-owner of Producers Design, an educational academy for interior designers

session speakers

  • Ksenia Rozantseva
    Designer/Architect, Head of Osobinka Design Bureau
  • Marina Kolesnikova
    Director of the Qualifications Assessment Center of the Russian Union of Architects
  • Olga Musienko
    Designer, head of Intelier design studio
  • Arseny Penkin
    Head of the Center for Marketing and Communication Technologies of the Institute of General Plan of Moscow
  • Sergey Lutchenko
    First Deputy Chairman of the Committee for Urban Planning Policy of the Leningrad Region - Chief Architect of the Region