Anastasia Sergeevna Rybkina, Deputy General Director, Creative Industries Agency, Moscow.

The first very interesting figure I want to share with you is that about one and a half percent of the world's creators work in Moscow. This is precisely the research that we carried out ourselves. We analyzed the number of jobs in other countries in terms of the creative economy, and we have something to be proud of. I guess that is the first important point.

The second point. We are in the creative temple today, and of course architecture and design are essentially cross-industries, because architecture is everywhere, design is everywhere. And we did research this year, we interviewed more than three thousand residents of the world's megacities about what they associate Moscow with. And the two key things are architecture. When foreigners return home, what do they talk about? They talk about architecture, and they talk about museums and theaters. These are the three such key associations that our foreign visitors have.

If we talk about the Creative Industries Agency, we are an institute for supporting creative business, we are a subordinate structure of the Department of Culture. We have been operating for about four years, and at the moment, of course, we have a huge experience in supporting creative companies. Therefore, if we talk about the approach we use, then first of all, of course, we have already talked here today about identifying priority creative industries. This year we have determined for ourselves that our priority industries are cinema, video games, design and fashion - this is the most dynamically developing creative industry in Moscow at the moment. Revenue is growing fastest, and the number of companies created in these sectors is growing fastest.

Talking about the approach. Of course, the first such big project that was launched, the mayor's project, was Moscow - City of Cinema. Tell me, please, has anyone heard of this project from here in Moscow, Moscow City of Cinema? Great. Just a few weeks ago, the first Moscow International Film Week took place. We had over 500 locations throughout the city where residents could participate in filming, they could watch the filming process. We had over 130 foreign delegates from over 40 countries.

It was actually a unique event. We signed a large number of agreements of intent, of co-production, of joint development of the film industry. And, of course, this shows that Moscow is becoming such a point of attraction for the development of creative industries, no matter what.

I am taking over the baton from Vitaly Viktorovich (Stavitsky, President of the Russian Union of Designers - editor's note). He was just talking about the fact that Moscow is really now becoming such a creative megacity of the world. And the first step was, of course, the creation of infrastructure. We have created an infrastructure for the movie industry. We currently have a film cluster, the Gorky Film Studio. These are three sites on Eisenstein, on Valdai and on Ryazansky Prospekt, where companies are already shooting directly. The series that you see, that we watch, they are already being filmed on our sites, on our pavilions. On City Day, our President opened the Moskino movie park. This is the world's largest location for location filming. And, of course, of course, foreigners came and were wildly delighted. They've never seen anything like it. It's bigger than seven Hollywoods.

So, of course, we have something to be proud of, colleagues. Speaking of infrastructure, of course, it is impossible to speak without the companies that will be created, that will create new projects. That is why we have various expeditionary programs for construction. For example, this year we have launched a film laboratory, where companies and budding producers make movies directly, and we are already filming in full swing. And the third stage is the international direction.