The Advanced Petroleum Engineering School of the Higher School of Petroleum Engineering will create non-fogging energy-efficient glasses

The Center for Research and Development of Functional Composite Materials has recently opened there. The center will be engaged in scientific research and search for practical applications of new materials in modern industry.

One of the directions is to obtain polymeric materials with barrier properties. Layered structures allow limiting oxygen penetration and have a wide range of applications, from use in pipes for heat carriers to flexible packaging. Scientists with students at APES HSPE will create transparent conductive coatings for use in smart windows, coatings, films and flexible optoelectronic systems.

The developed materials are not subject to fogging and icing, have a controlled degree of light transmission, which, in turn, allows to increase the energy efficiency of buildings and structures, ergonomics of objects.

As it seems to us, the innovation is promising, the applicability in construction and architecture is clearly visible. We send them an invitation and are waiting for them at the section on translucent facades!

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